"IC3 is a movement of career and higher education counseling at schools. The organizers run many different activities during the year. The largest gathering is IC3 annual conference & expo. This event is really large and fruitful. In 2024 it was held in Yashobhoomi, India's premier convention center in New Delhi, India. So you can easily estimate the scale of the event. The official conference program stated for 2 days, but counting 2 days of pre-conference activities and 1 day of the post-conference events, we are getting a 5-day event. So for those who is interested and understand how to get the most of the event, IC3 annual conference is a great event to attend. To my mind, if the university is considering school counseling as a student recruitment tool, IC3 conference and expo is a must-attend event for the university international office," — noted Mr Bogdan Voronovskiy.